“Under the Sun” was an idea forged by Jackson Collier and Alex Bumpers to write their opinions, news, and anything else under the sun that would be interesting for anyone to read.

We will cover anything we feel is necessary and important for others to read, specifically our own generation, while being able to relate to and reach a wide variety of people.

There will be unpopular opinions and stances taken on this blog. Comment respectfully and let us have an intellectual discussion and debate rather than argue or exchange insults. We will not respond to insults or derogatory language or comments. If you don’t agree with our opinion, let’s talk constructively.

The point of this blog is for us to write and to get our opinions out there for other people to read what we think and have to say. Hopefully we can make people think and see things from a different point of view, and hopefully our readers can help us see a different point of view as well.

We will focus on politics, current events, sports, media, hypocrisy, and anything of that sort. We look forward to writing and hearing what our readers have to say.